14 December 2010

Prompt 10: "Wisdom"

December 10 – Wisdom
Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out?
(Author: Susannah Conway)
 This is kind of a tough prompt, because wisdom is very broadly defined.  I made a few smart choices this year, and thousands of decisions.  I don't know that any of them were particularly wise.

One decision I made this year that turned out to be very beneficial was to take the Census worker exam when the opportunity came up.  At first I wasn't going to bother, but then I thought why not take thirty mintues to fill out the paperwork in case they need me, I could use the money.  It lead to a very pleasant experience over the summer that brought in some extra income and also gave me something productive to do when I otherwise might have just wasted the time.  Additionally, I bonded with my fellow employees as I mentioned previously, and that too was unanticipated reward.

Frankly I'm not in a position to make a lot of tough choices or heavy impact decisions right now.  I think that I have the ability to weigh options and make informed decisions if the need arises, I certainly have in the past, but I don't have the responsibilities of the corporate world or health care professionals riding on my shoulders. 

I guess another wise decision was to take the opportunity to move in with some of good friends when I got the chance.  It seemed like a wasted effort, it was only going to be for a couple months and was barely two miles away from home,  but the time away from my family and getting to see those friends on a near-daily basis made it worth the effort.  I wish we had been roommates longer because that time was well spent.

In 2011 I don't know what tough choices will come my way, hopefully many decisions will arise around finance and employment, but whether it's money or social or health, I hope that each decision made is the right one.  When I draw from my experience, trust my instinct, and weigh all the options, then my decision is as wise as I can make it.

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