I'm excited to announce a new initiative to share my longer thoughts and literary aspirations. This is not my first blog with this site, although I have hopes that this one will enjoy a healthy lifespan beyond some of my previous attempts. Myspace, now My [_____] ?, was suitable for a while because it was efficient at letting interested parties know when there was something of substance. Facebook with it's small Notes function just doesn't cut it for conversation and dialogue, and Tumblr, although handy and simple, lacks the ability for readers to comment, and I really enjoy hearing opinions back.
So I'm glad to present Adamelioration, a play on my name and a word that means "to improve upon", the blog site itself is a play on my initials and my intention to use this space as an opportunity for personal growth. I hope that doesn't sound too arrogant, but welcome criticism whenever my ego oversteps.
Welcome to AMgrowing.blogspot.com.
I can comment now!!