14 December 2010

Prompt 13: "Action" #Reverb10 on #NaNoWriMo

December 13 – Action
When it comes to aspirations, it’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen. What’s your next step?
(Author: Scott Belsky)
I immediately think about this year's NaNoWriMo novel. Last year I told my self, the next step is editing! Time to start editing! But it wasn't, and still isn't, and that was a major mistake.  The fact was I had stopped because I met the goal I had committed to, almost exactly like how I stopped serving meals at the nursery home after a few pity days past my requirement to receive a state tuition scholarship.  It wasn't that the job was done, or that I was frustrated and needed to stop, I simply reached the point I had committed to, and never re-committed to continue.  This year I need to recommit to continue working on Novel2010 until I feel that the story has concluded, and then start pondering the revision process.

I had originally given myself until December 10th to relax before starting in again, but that came and went.  Now I want to keep writing with a new word count goal, because sticking with what works is one of the easiest "next steps: to take.

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