02 September 2011

Day 26

Oh man, I know this is going to put a huge gap in the entries but I can't recall what all has happened on which days and what got harvested when.

I got a little cold (it was actually pretty severe) that knocked me out of commission for a few days in there but I was very vigilant about keeping the germs from spreading and I don't think anyone from work or at home caught it.

I got my first paycheck, woot! I'm looking forward to paying off a few expenses and saving up for some future ones. I decided to open a local account rather than attempt to remote bank with my FL one. That was a painless process and I was amused to be confused as an "Ag" (Agricultural) customer and had to clarify that I just wanted basic checking. More local flavor!

The store is looking great, there's a few minor things that need tweaking but are waiting on parts to be shipped so we are as ready as we can get for tomorrow's opening.

I'm surprised that some of the employees really are excited to buy some of the things themselves but it proves what I've been told, if you really want it you buy it first! Apparently we have no guarantees of restocking anything that sells out because of the distribution and varying levels of inventory in warehouses. Indeed, there are some cool things we have and I've considered a few fun gifts. Most of all I want to get in touch with my friends who have small children and might want some cute costumes this year.

The state fair started today and I was contemplating driving the two hours to see it on Saturday, just to get a feel for more of the state than just here but not a single person has expressed that is a good idea. Everyone has unanimously said I'd be wasting my time, so I won't even be going for the novelty factor.

Alternately, there is a local Christian music festival being held south of town this weekend. It's free, and they expect around 300,000 people. There's going to be 100+ bands on about 10 stages so I can't think it could possibly be disappointing. As long as there's some loaves and fishes, by which I mean grilled meats to eats. My interest was actually piqued when the paper mentioned there is a skatepark and BMX performance too. Comparatively the state fair has stock car races and 3 bands over 3 nights and might not even be free.

So we'll see how I'm feeling this weekend. If I go on an adventure I'll try to bring a full charge for the phone camera and I'll avoid any cups of kool-aid.

Today I harvested: Anticipation
And petted 0 cats since my last post! :(

Oh yeah, and some beets:

(Ronald Regan guards my ice creams)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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